Business Tip Tuesday πŸš€

(a weekly Professional Development blog developed by the team at Catalyst Leadership Dynamics)

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Professional Development

managing your blind spots

Mastering Personal Effectiveness: Removing Blind Spots in Communication and Leadership

Maximizing personal effectiveness is a crucial skill, but blind spots can often hinder your progress. Beware the impact of your blind spots--they can decrease your effectiveness and damage your work relationships, whether you're a business owner, executive, manager, or frontline worker. The good news is that you can learn how to identify and eliminate these blind spots, for yourself and others.

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The Power of Reputation Management in Small Business

Self-awareness is required in Leadership. Reputation is a prerequisite to effective Leadership. Reputation is everyone's responsibility!

It is the leader's job to ensure that Reputation is managed effectively! But make no mistakes, it is everyone's job to maintain and elevate organizational Reputation. Trust, performance, and engagement are critical for a strong Organizational Reputation.

Reputation is a long-term word. One must have a vision of what one desires to be known for and work towards it in the good, bad, and in between times. There will be bumps, bruises, and damaged egos along the journey. Reputation is built by a demonstrated long-term body of work, personally, professionally, and organizationally!

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Achieving Balanced Workplace Performance: A Strategic, Tactical, and Innovative Approach

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the different types of performance.

As I work with individual clients, and in our group coaching formats, I have learned many spread themselves far too thin, diluting their performance personally, professionally, and organizationally. It does not have to be this way.

What do you think?  Are you performing up to par?

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Succession Planning - a photo of the full JRCI team

Succession Planning: Finding the Right Person to Lead

Succession in leadership takes time and is critical for successβ€”a goal for every organization, especially a family business. Leadership is not for everyone and not a birthright either. When considering succession, whether in a family business or not, certain qualities must be considered for success.

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Your Managerial Goal Setting- A Worksheet for Prioritizing

Why Goal Setting Matters

A goal-setting study sponsored by the Ford Foundation found that:

  • 23% of the population has NO IDEA what they want from life & as a result, they float around aimlessly.
  • 67% of the population has a general idea of what they want but don’t have any plans for getting it.
  • Only 10% of the population has specific, well-defined goals, but even then, 7 out of 10 of those people reach their goals only half (50%) of the time.
  • The top 3% of the people in the study achieved their goals 89% of the time.
  • What was the difference?  They found that of all the possible variables, the only difference between the top performers and the rest was that the top 3% WROTE DOWN THEIR GOALS.

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The image depicted shows Jeff and two colleagues in front of a white background. They have happy expressions on their face, reinforcing the topic of strong work relationships presented within the blog. The next picture, further down, is of a yellow arrow, with smaller white arrows around the perimeter. It is against a black background, and there is also a hand at the edge of the larger yellow arrow, indicating growth and success.

Managing Objections: Building Strong Work Relationships

Building work relationships and building your communication style inventory is about managing objections. Often, as a manager, we receive inbound objections regularly. If we take them personally, it can become overwhelming for many. Think of it this way: an objection is a form of engagement. You have a starting point!

Welcome to the true signal, engagement! What?

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