Business Tip Tuesday πŸš€

(a weekly Professional Development blog from Jeff Rogers Coach)

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Emerging Leadership

The images depict innovation in the business and examples of innovation in the workplace.

Importance of Creativity and Innovation in Business

I do not know about you, but I do not like being or feeling stuck! However, I do find myself from time to time in a stagnate state. Stagnate in mindset and action. I believe this to be a function of lack of discipline and inattention to results. Or ... just being human!

From a personal standpoint, to be innovative might seem to be fake or not being yourself. But to be the same person 5 years from now does not seem too smart either.  To be authentically innovative from a personal standpoint sounds much better.

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Establishing Intentional Leadership to Support Organizational Change

Elevated leadership skills are necessary for the constantly changing business environment we face daily. Current advances in technology and digitization have rapidly increased the pace of change. Change is needed to remain relevant in the business world, yet many organizations F.E.A.R. (False Expectations Appearing Real) change!

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Organizational Behavior that Improves Performance in Your Family Business

What drives employee engagement? Commitment in the family business requires priority from everyone. The word "priority" might be a strange qualifier, but let me explain.

I believe commitment begins on a personal level. Without the foundational personal commitment skillset established as a priority, one cannot have high professional or organizational Commitment abilities.

Further, I think a connection links character with commitment. Commitment reflects what you want, and Character indicates how you will do it as a leader. Therefore, developing and maintaining a family business organizational Vision, Mission, and Values Statement is imperative. If you are serious, a family governance constitution formalizes with priority all family expectations, deliverables, and responsibilities.

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Succession Planning - a photo of the full JRCI team

Succession Planning: Finding the Right Person to Lead

Succession in leadership takes time and is critical for successβ€”a goal for every organization, especially a family business. Leadership is not for everyone and not a birthright either. When considering succession, whether in a family business or not, certain qualities must be considered for success.

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How to Implement Control Effectively as a New Manager

How to Implement Control Effectively as a New Manager

As a newly minted manager, earning trust, having difficult conversations, demonstrating commitment, providing accountability, working towards intended results, taking Control, and meeting the team / customer / company needs is a lot of effort!We often hear from newly minted managers the question, "How do I implement control properly?" So at JRCI we have assembled this - How to Implement Control Effectively as a New Manager, just for you!

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